
Underwood is a growing community with a strong employer base.  Because of the rapidly expanding energy sector in McLean County, Underwood has experienced a housing shortage in the past, especially for temporary and/or seasonal workers. To address these needs, a housing plan for the City of Underwood is currently in development and will be posted as a pdf upon completion. Click here to view a copy of the Underwood Housing Study.

In order to get the most up-to-date information on housing, please call Courtney Adams, Underwood City Hall, at 701-442-5481.

City of Underwood Map

Lots for Sale

The City of Underwood currently owns 12 lots east of Westridge Golf Course (the Westridge Estates). Infrastructure for these lots, including water, sewer, street, curb, and gutter, is completed, and these lots are ready for home construction. Special incentives to purchase these lots, including property tax abatement for a period of five years, are currently available.

A number of other lots on the south side of town (the Repnow-Mees Addition) are also owned by the City of Underwood. Infrastructure for these lots, including power, telephone, water, sewer, street, curb, and gutter, is also completed, and these lots are ready for home construction. Special incentives to purchase these lots, including property tax abatement for a period of five years, are currently available. Other incentives, which are not currently described in this web site, may also be available.

New Home Construction

The Underwood Housing Demand Analysis, completed in December 2009, indicated a need for new home construction in the area to meet the needs of both permanent and seasonal workers.  In response to that need, the Underwood Area Economic Development Corporation applied for and received a grant award from the ND Housing Finance Agency to build a spec home in Underwood’s Repnow-Mees Subdivisions. 


  • The Dakota Rose Inn 701-861-0149

    Underwood Inn 701-442-3094 or 701-315-0281

    Underwood Lodge call 701-442-5285

  • Elkridge Apartments call Dave Cuttler 916-765-4253

    Windy Meadows call Dave at 501-680-5380 or 701-861-0149

    Country Gold Properties call Tom at 701-527-8911

    Hillside Apartments ca l Legacy Property Solutions at 701-471-9506

    Underwood Housing Authority call city hall at 701-442-5481

    Underwood Lodge call 701-442-5285

  • Ember Estates in Underwood call RJR Management at 701-663-1736

    McLean C. Fair Grounds in Underwood call Diane Schell at 701-442-5596

    Down Stream Campground by Garrison Dam call 877-444-6777

    Wolf Creek Campground near Coleharbor call 877-444-6777

    East Totten Trail near Coleharbor call 877-444-6777