Summer Recreation
Baseball & Softball Programs:
T-Ball (boys and girls) Ages 5 - 7
Pee Wee Baseball (boys) Ages 8 -10
Little League Baseball (Boys) Ages 11-13
How to register for summer recreation programs: Registration for 2021 Season - due May 9, turn in forms at Underwood Public School.
Please fill out the registration & waiver form for each child you are registering and return the form by May 9 to the Underwood School Office or call Brianne Skachenko at 527-6911 (cell) - so we get an estimate of the number of t-shirts to order.
Practices and games are mixed between mornings and evenings. Parents may decide if their 8 year old child will participate in T-Ball or Little League.
Summer Recreation Employment Opportunities:
Underwood Parks and Recreation is looking for fun, enthusiastic, and responsible people for our Summer Recreation Programs.
The Underwood Park District is seeking applicants for the following summer positions: pool manager, pool assistant manager, lifeguards and water safety instructors, summer recreation commissioner and T-ball, softball, peewee and Little League coaches. To apply fill out the Underwood Parks and Recreation Job Application and return it to the Underwood City Office or to PO Box 605.
Volunteer Coaches Needed:
The Underwood Parks and Recreation emphasizes fundamental skill development, teamwork and sportsmanship with the goal of providing a fun experience for all players. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer coach, please fill out the Underwood Parks & Rec Volunteer Application Form and return it to the Underwood City Office.